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Kate Upton is Maxim's number 1 on their hot list

The last time I used her name in a post, my page was shut down and immediately deactivated by FaceBook themselves.  The only way to reactivate my account was to send a copy of my driver’s license to the headquarters.  Um... sorry FaceBook, I’m not doing that.  Anyway, the supermodel and actress

Kate Upton, made  Maxim’s number one spot in the top 100 a few days ago.

It’s been a running joke among family and friends that I am the #realkateupton.  I like to think of myself as the “original.” When she first graced the cover of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue 2012 , I had phone calls from a radio station out of Chicago, a Whirlpool advertiser (according to Wikipedia , her great grandfather was a co-founder of Whirlpool), and people that should have restraining orders!  Besides having the same first and last name, we share the same middle name (Elizabeth) too!  And to onlookers and fans outside of Michigan, the city we came from can be confusing, she is from St. Joseph and I am from St. Johns. 

However, that is where the similarities end!  She is 12 years younger and her boobs are 12 times bigger.  She is a supermodel, I am a super mother of two. She answers casting calls, I answer to mommy.  She married baseball pitcher Justin Verlander, I married baseball little league coach, Matthew Upton.  She jets off to exotic locales for photo shoots, I jet off to the grocery store.

Anyway, I still get a good laugh from the same name.  She’s gorgeous no doubt about it, and it has been thrilling to see her career in both modeling and acting grow and flourish.  I truly wish her the best.  Kate, if you are reading this and feel generous at all, I’d love a pair of tickets to a Tigers and Astros game (please and thank you)!

And lastly, just because I’m in a funny mood, I leave you with my favorite picture yet!

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