Monochromatic for the win!
Monochromatic colors are all the colors of a single hue. Monochromatic color schemes are derived from a single base hue and extended...
Reflecting on 2021
So many weddings this year, the wedding industry was booming. I had the most weddings to date for me too, and I couldn't have been...
Spring Fashion Trends + Your Own Stylist
for free! Yes, I said that correctly, your own fashion stylist for free. Meet Blaine. Blaine Gebhardt is my own personal Cabi stylist...
Am I now considered old?
Apparently there are some Gen Z kids tik toking their way around social media proclaiming that people who wear skinny jeans, that part...
I said yes to the dress...
about seventeen years ago. Fooled you for a hot second, didn't I? Hold tight, I will explain soon. I don't usually discuss my work for...
Winter Weddings
I've recently been watching the Netflix series, Bridgerton. OMG! The dresses, the decor, the architecture, the delicacies, the overall...
Mom, I shot a squirrel!
Some of you may know that my son keeps a pellet gun in his room (not loaded, safety on). Since we moved to town he has been on the...
When you can taste and smell again
You should definitely stop in to Cupcakes and Kisses, the new bakery in downtown St. Johns. This adorable little bakery is the third...
New Shopping Destination-Downtown St. Johns, MI
Yup, you heard that right. St. Johns has had a bit of a face lift over the last few years and is now the new place to shop, and soon to...
My first wedding in COVID times
The 2020 season has been one that most people in the wedding business might just want to move on from, I definitely created less arrangement